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Cleaning up in Docker - Part 2
·199 words·1 min
system-administration tech containers docker linux sysadmin technology
Previously we have covered what to do if you made a real mess of things in Docker and just want to purge all your containers, volumes and images from your host system.
Cleaning up corrupt Registry.pol files with Powershell
·233 words·2 mins
system-administration tech group-policy powershell registry sysadmin technology windows-10 windows-7
One ongoing issue that can occur across an predominately Windows/Group Policy heavy enterprise environment is the corruption of the Registry.
Searching your Bash history in Linux
·362 words·2 mins
system-administration tech bash debian grep history linux sysadmin technology
Ever spent endless hours, days and nights, deep inside your Bash shell in your Linux distribution of choice and ever wonder “I know I have ran a command to solve this solution but cannot for the life of me remember it”?
Let's get certified!
·393 words·2 mins
system-administration tech certification cloud containers docker gcp google-cloud k8s kubernetes learning lfcs linux sysadmin technology
It’s been a long time between drinks for certifications that I have achieved personally.
Installing Fonts with PowerShell
·281 words·2 mins
system-administration tech application-packaging fonts powershell sccm sysadmin technology windows windows-10 windows-7
Not normally the application packaging type but some time ago it fell to me to package up some open source fonts and deploy them via System Centre Configuration Manager across the enterprise.
Search DHCP for a MAC Address with Powershell
·198 words·1 min
system-administration tech dhcp powershell sysadmin technology
Many many moons ago, we had a way to trawl through DHCP scopes utilising the netsh tool to find devices on our networks that match a certain MAC address.
Using Powershell and WMI to get the MAC address of Remote workstation
·306 words·2 mins
system-administration tech gwmi powershell sysadmin technology wmi
It has cropped up from time to time that we need to retrieve information, in this example, the MAC address from remotely located workstations.
Keeping your Pi-Hole container fresh with Cron
·396 words·2 mins
system-administration tech containers cron docker linux pihole raspberry-pi raspbian sysadmin technology
In our previous entry, we unleashed the awesome that is Pi-Hole inside a Docker container to make all the devices in our network ad-free when browsing the internet.


Legacy BIOS and UEFI PXE coexistence
·701 words·4 mins
system-administration tech bios dhcp powershell pxe sccm sysadmin technology uefi windows-server-2012-r2
More and more enterprises are moving towards the modern UEFI devices in their fleet, whether that be desktops, laptops or convertibles.
How to restore a tree of objects from the Active Directory Recycle Bin
·710 words·4 mins
system-administration tech active-directory powershell sysadmin technology
In a previous post I detailed how to setup the Active Directory Recycle Bin and restore single deleted objects back in your Active Directory.