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Cleaning up in Docker - Part 1
·93 words·1 min
system-administration tech containers debian docker iot linux raspberry-pi raspbian technology
So you have read how to get Docker on your Raspberry Pi, had a play around and now you have containers, images and volumes running wild.
Running Containers with Docker on Raspberry Pi
·374 words·2 mins
system-administration tech alpine containers debian docker iot linux raspberry-pi raspbian technology
In the previous blog post, we setup and configured Docker on the Raspberry Pi.
Setup Docker on Raspberry Pi
·266 words·2 mins
tech alpine busybox containers debian docker iot linux raspberry-pi raspbian technology
With the 1.


Predictable failure - Tweeting with Python Part 2
·320 words·2 mins
tech debian iot linux python raspberry-pi raspbian technology twitter twython
Part 1 of the series saw us signing up to Twitter and getting access to the API to send tweets, setting up Twython and developing out shutdown script.
Predictable failure - Tweeting with Python Part 1
·867 words·5 mins
tech bitcoin cryptocurrency debian iot linux python raspberry-pi raspbian technology twitter twython
As explained in a previous series of mine, I run a small Bitcoin mining operation on my Raspberry Pi.


Introducing the Raspberry Pi 2
·525 words·3 mins
tech iot linux raspberry-pi technology windows-10
2017 is here, or that is what the Raspberry Pi Foundation is leading us to believe.
Mining Bitcoins with Raspberry Pi - Part 3
·405 words·2 mins
tech bitcoin cgminer cryptocurrency debian iot linux raspberry-pi raspbian technology
Continuing on from the good work we have achieved thus far in Part 1 & Part 2, we are going to complete our Bitcoin Mining journey by making our Raspberry Pi start mining as soon as it is powered on.
Mining Bitcoins with Raspberry Pi - Part 2
·396 words·2 mins
tech bitcoin cgminer cryptocurrency debian iot linux raspberry-pi raspbian technology
In a previous post, we covered how to setup your Raspberry Pi with cgminer along with some USB ASIC mining hardware.
Mining Bitcoins with Raspberry Pi - Part 1
·537 words·3 mins
tech bitcoin cgminer cryptocurrency debian iot linux raspberry-pi raspbian technology
Continuing with my last post’s theme surrounding my recently received Raspberry Pi; after the initial configuration, I put it into action by mining Bitcoins with some Aussie USB ASIC miners I purchased of eBay for $36 (for two).
Raspberry Pi A+
·215 words·2 mins
tech iot linux raspberry-pi raspbian technology
Christmas brought me a very special gift in the form of a Raspberry Pi A+