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Going headless with the Raspberry Pi
·444 words·3 mins
tech debian linux raspberry-pi raspbian ssh technology wireless
At some point last year I decided to expand my love of Pi from the A+ unit I have played with over the last couple of years to a shiny Zero (which has since been replaced with the Zero W which includes Wireless and Bluetooth) and the Unicorn pHAT from the pirates at Pimoroni.


Configure Public Key Authentication for SSH on Linux
·589 words·3 mins
system-administration tech linux pka public-key-authentication putty ssh sysadmin technology ubuntu windows
Very recently, I acquired myself a cheap Linux based VPS for personal use.


Enable VNC server via SSH on OSX
·251 words·2 mins
system-administration tech osx remote-desktop screen-sharing ssh sysadmin technology vnc
Continuing on with my previous posts theme of OSX, the next handy guide will demonstrate how to enable the VNC server (Microsoft people, think RDP server) via SSH.