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Passing the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Exam

·562 words·3 mins
system-administration tech azure certification cloud learning sysadmin technology
James Pettigrove
James Pettigrove
Cloud Engineer with a focus on Microsoft Azure

I’ve previously written and laid out what I want to accomplish in my certification journey for 2019 however, as we all know; best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

While my plan has not gone astray, I simply took advantage of circumstance to earn another certification.

I was very fortunate to be able to attend a Microsoft delivered, Introduction to Azure 2 day course. It was one of the better technical training course I’ve had the blessing to receive. While the subject level was aimed at beginners, the trainers passion and knowledge of the product allowed the small class to delve deeper, multiple times during the course.

It was during this course that I discovered two things

  • Microsoft have re engineered and simplified their entire certificate structure and made them more role based.
  • There was a number of providers offering heavy discounts on Azure training (most likely, in conjunction with the above).

I always wrestled with whether or not I should direct my studies towards Microsoft Azure. My work is a Microsoft shop and my history and comfort has always been in the Microsoft world. Would I be challenging myself if I continue this path?

With the 2 day course complete, discussion with colleagues turned to where do we go from here? Introducing the revamped Microsoft Learn portal.

Accessible via, Microsoft Learn has been totally redesigned to mirror the role based paths of Microsoft’s Certification and early thoughts are the content is good…very good!

Having a quick peak in and around all the various courses available, it seemed that Microsoft has put considerable effort into the material. Each course is broken into module which for the most part, include hands on labs and check your knowledge segments to ensure the rafts of information aren’t going in one ear and out the other too quickly.

Before I took advantage of these resources however, I purchased some of the aforementioned discounted Azure training material and delved right it, with the aim of sitting AZ-100/101 in the near future. It was during these study sessions I noted the course was updated to include material for the AZ-102 exam that acts as a bridge for those with previous certifications and looking to refresh/update to the new pathways. This got me intrigued and as I trawled the Microsoft certification page I found there was a fundamentalist level exam and certification for Azure (AZ-900)

Feeling over confident and slightly cocky I booked it for a fortnight later and took my chances. It was only after booking the exam that I turned back to the Microsoft Learn portal and found the Azure Fundamentals course. Designed exactly for those looking to sit the AZ-900 exam, I hit go and watched, labbed and absorbed as much as I could in a somewhat hurried fashion.

Thankfully, the material was fantastic enough that I sat and passed AZ-900! This was also the first time I have sat an exam remotely, in my own home. Certainly a weird experience, complete with spinning in my chair to show my surrounds plus roof and floor but nothing that made me shy away from the experience.

I am still continuing my LFCS study but I might tag-team it with the Azure training I purchased and wait for the new refreshed AZ-103 exam coming later in the year. Let’s see how the wind blows…


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